Think Ahead Kids brings you an inspirational and informative Author Chat that will answer many questions that you may have about Kickstarter Campaigns. Watch today and listen to how Naomi White created her Kickstarter Campaign for her new book, Why Am I Here? A Child's Book About Purpose. Naomi tells us about her mission to support children of color. She feels children of color need to see themselves in books.
Naomi's focus is to meet her Kickstarter campaign goal to provide her new book to inner-city children of her state of Michigan who need an inspirational storyline that lets them know that they have a purpose and that they can have a future that is bright too.
Kickstarter Campaign successfully ended on October 14, 2021. Goal exceeded!
View campaign here --
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Think Ahead Kids Chat
Naomi Dunsen-White
September 15, 2021
Think Ahead Kids Book Reviews
"Johari The Great"

Think Ahead Kids Article
Naomi Dunsen-White
September 15, 2021
Naomi V. Dunsen-White is a children's book author who loves to inspire and encourage children to use their imagination, creativity and interests to discover their potential. Naomi has a passion for promoting diversity and equity in literacy. Determined to work toward closing the diversity gap in the children’s literature industry, she uses her social media presence to promote awareness about the need for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) representation in children’s books.
Naomi is a former educator and foster care specialist and has always found fulfillment in helping and teaching children. For years, she has enjoyed tutoring children in reading and writing, and she believes reading comprehension to be one of the most critical skills for children (and adults) to master. Naomi believes that encouraging children to become excellent readers and lifelong book lovers is one of the greatest opportunities a person could have. As an author, Naomi sees using her words to speak into children’s lives as a privilege and honor, but also a great responsibility. She believes that all children have a gift within, just waiting to be discovered. It is up to the adults in their lives to help them discover it. The joy of reading can be an important step toward discovery!
Having a passion to serve children, in particular those in disadvantaged areas, Naomi started a book donation program which has to date, blessed over 350 children with a new copy of her debut book, “Johari The Great.” This book features a boy who is inspired by his teacher to use his imagination to write, and discovers that his superhero power is found in using his pencil! Because of its academic value and encouragement of reading and writing, donations made to literacy agencies were put to good use in helping students reach their literacy goals.
Naomi utilized the Kickstarter crowdfunding platform for her second children’s book, “Why Am I Here? A Child’s Book About Purpose.” This beautifully illustrated book carries a powerful message about hope and purpose. It teaches children about purpose and discovering the unique path and possibilities that await them in a future that can be bright and beautiful. Although it is a book that will inspire any child, Naomi felt led to give this book to children who reside in the inner-cities of her home state of Michigan namely, Detroit, Flint and Pontiac. Through the Kickstarter campaign her goal is garner support from people everywhere to purchase the book for their own children and/or donate toward her cause to give the books to schools and children in need to remind them that despite their circumstances, they too, have a purpose. Visit her Kickstarter Campaign Page now at this link below. To learn more about Naomi and her Kickstarter Campaign, watch our Video Below.
Naomi has recently established a nonprofit organization, called Literacy and Diversity for All. The organization’s mission is to promote equity in literacy by supporting and assisting BIPOC authors and illustrators who write and illustrate children’s books with academic value and diverse representation, and distribute those books to schools, literacy organizations and children in diverse, underserved communities
If you need assistance in starting your own Kickstarter Campaign, please visit Naomi White's Website here